Beautiful pics of A.J. Mendez and Africa Zavala feet & legs

AJ Almasi (born Andrea Almasi on the 5th of June 85 at Hendersonville, Tennessee) is an American Model and aspiring Actress. The model is Briefcase Model No.19 in the premiere episode of the NBC TV Game Show Deal or No Deal which aired late December, 2005. AJ was born living in Hendersonville Tennessee and was an awkward "tomboy" who wore braces and glasses. AJ never imagined that such a thing was possible to perform, but in the same time, she is a fan of performing. Family and friends told her that she had a bubbly persona, and that she was able to accomplish anything if it was something she believed in. Almasi changed into a gorgeous, glamorous girl when she moved from Italy to Los Angeles for a modeling as well as acting career. Aj Almasi's real title is Andrea Almasi. In December of 2005, she was selected as one of 26 Briefcase Models to appear on the upcoming NBC TV Game Show Deal or No Deal. The actress is popular as the star of Deal or No Deal (2005), Bikini Destinations (2003) and The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson (2005). The actress was seated next to Briefcase AJ is focused on her acting and modeling profession in Los Angeles. She is looking to expand her career.

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